Strength TogetHER 26- Session 1

11th April, 2022.

With support of the WOW team, British council we expanded our Strength TogetHER sessions in Karmahawa School, Lumbini with a group of 35 girls which was divided into groups of 13 and 22 girls from grade 11 and 12 respectively. 

Strength TogetHER provided a safe space for girls to share personal stories and experience which brings change in attitudes and lives. They get to explore and express themselves which helps to unburden themselves and create meaning. 

Girls discuss their issues and come up with solutions that group members can support each other with. They learn to speak up and share their stories to the group which is relatable to almost all girls. They are empowered by the story they share and learn new lessons after every session they attend. 

On 11th April, 2022 we started our 1st virtual session at 9 in the morning for our second group with enthusiastic girls from grade 12 (second group). They are from Awadhi Community, and speak Awadhi language along with Nepali and English as their secondary language. We commenced our session with an introduction round, each of us sharing our name, age, study, one thing that makes me happy  and favorite color, and why? 

All our participants introduced themselves, they were from the age group of 18 to 22 years, studying subjects like management, english and education. Some things that made them happy were making tik tok videos, and talking to friends. 

Talking about different colors they liked, Red was the most popular one with reasons being, I like it because it’s red while others saying they like it because Nepal’s national flag has the color red on it, and also because most Nepali women wear the color red during major festivals. 

Blue was the second most popular color. The reasons were because the sky is blue. The third one was Orange because the sun rays were orange. The others were, White as it symbolizes peace, yellow, brown and black as well. 

With the end of the 1st session, we were able to make light conversation with the girls and introduced them with the concept of Strength TogetHER while familiarizing them with the next session’s topic which is, “It doesn’t feel safe being a girl”.

Lastly we are grateful for the WOW Team, British Council for providing us an opportunity to connect with these young enthusiastic girls at Lumbini.


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